By Its Cover is independent book review column. Selections are mostly made based on the book's cover. I'm testing the old saying in my quest to find new favorite authors and books.
Coming Soon!
The Dirt
Lori Culwell
The Book Shelf:
By Nightfall
Michael Cunningham
Twins: A Novel
Marcy Dermansky
The Cheese Monkeys
Chip Kidd
Notes of a Baseball Dreamer
Robert Mayer
The Storm
Frederick Buechner
Hollywood Car Wash
Lori Culwell
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down
Merrill Markoe
The Real Minerva
Mary Sharrat
The Wasp Eater
William Lychack
ScoopPt. 1 Pt. 2
by Rene Gutteridge
Love and Other Near Death Experiences Pt. 1 Pt. 2
by Mil Millington
Stupid and Contagious Pt.1 Pt.2
by Caprice Crane
The Little Town Where Time Stood Still Pt.1 Pt2
by Bohumril Hrabal