By Its Cover is my completely independent 2-part book review column. Selections are made based entirely on the book's cover. I'm testing the old saying in my quest to find new authors.
Title: Scoop
Author: Rene Gutteridge
Part One
I liked this. Perhaps it appealed to me because of my generally conservative background. It was quirky and funny and made me think. Which is what a good book should do.
It takes place in a news station. So there are all the social politics, (and other tics), strained relationships, work friends, etc. The lead anchor has a bad run in with Botox and goes missing. A series of other seemingly unconnected mishaps lead to a fairly interesting conclusion. It's a sort of quiet book. A beach read. (Shouldn't mention beaches now. It's freezing in CT.)
Thinking about changing up the format of BIC, only doing the review portion. Next book will be The Wasp Eater.