I've been away from much of my online life for a while. I tapped in just enough to stay updated on what's what, thanks largely to Twitter. I needed a break, to step back, to evaluate things that I need to do offline, that I've put off. Now, I'm not gonna lie. I didn't get nearly as much done as I could have. But I feel better. I'm reading to start again.
Breaks, vacations, seclusions are so necessary I'm finding, from your job definitely, but from life sometimes too. I tend to be incredibly cerebral so to just veg a little, not worry about my shop (Hello, what?!) and get other things done was so nice.
Post Picture: Charles Dickens in book form (Our Mutual Friend) and e-book form (Little Dorrit). (iPod Touch...how I love you!) I read a lot during this break. I'm probably one of few who would simul-read two Dickens books. The Masterpiece Theater adaptation of Little Dorrit was fabulous. I got the book for free on iTunes.