I want this to be the month that I get more organized about my shop...s. Yes, I will shortly have two Etsy shops: elpy [Handcrafted] and rJax. rJax has been registered for a while, but I was indecisive about actually trying it. elpy will continue the way it has been, with more new additions in different categories throughout the rest of year. rJax will have photography and paper goods. Paper is/was my first medium and therefore my favorite. So in a way I'm going back to my first love. Am I crazy? Maybe. But if I don't try I'll always wonder and that would drive me crazy.
I'm not exactly sure how I go about organizing. I should track my spending more carefully. I need a plan, what kinds of items I want to offer and who my audience is. Thinking about this recently, I discovered that the audience I want may not be the audience I'm actually attracting...which is fine, just need to switch mental gears. I need to work out a more solid pricing structure. Figure out how much my time is worth, charge accordingly and not apologize. Promoting is the ultimate conundrum for me. I can make lists and stuff to get back, but actually opening my mouth or even sending an email sometimes...
Shall see. I get a level of resolve at the beginning of every month. But I can't run two shops by the seat of my pants so I have to do this. Creating is my passion...one of them at least. (Writing is the other, can you tell?) It deserves to be presented and cared for as professionally as I can.
Post Picture: A tree I passed on the walk to the PO.