I've been painting my room. I thought it would be done today. But I went out gallivanting with my mom and was way too tired when I got home. Mostly all that's left is the work that requires a steady hand. I'll try to take some pics when I'm done.
The change in my life continues. I notice newness in myself everyday, things I used to do and don't, others I hated but now love. One example of the latter is my recent need to write about myself, how I feel, how I'm different, what I think about the changes. I really disliked introspective work before. I didn't like what I saw when I looked at myself. I've filled almost half of a 300-page journal in the last four months. This is from someone who took 4 years to fill a composition notebook. Ha!
There is so little middle ground with me when it comes to likes and dislikes. I don't get violent or loud about it. I just pursue it like heck or avoid it like the plague.
Also got my first sale of '08 today. :)
Post Picture: Proof I have been working on things. This is another picture of a half-burned block that would have been a coaster expect I think it's too much. The design was drawn by me onto the block and then each stroke was burned. I finished it a few days ago, but my camera would work properly. Hopefully I'll get a pic of the whole thing finished in the coming days.