Where have all the blog commenters gone? Perhaps it's selfish to ask. But I used to get about 2 comments a day and don't get any now, so I'm just wondering...
I try to reserve 'Now' for big revelations or milestones, at least I shall from now on.
I found out an old classmate of mine is pregnant. We've lived in the same town for the last 15 years so we run into acquaintances from times gone by occasionally. We (Mom Bro2 and I) ran into the father of that classmate today. It threw me. Not in a judging way, I don't think. I just didn't think she would, now. Younger girls get pregnant, I know. It's just...I don't know. At it brings back the fact that we aren't kids anymore...that we've grown up. I couldn't imagine myself with a baby...maybe because I'm so unbelievably single. Ha!
I'm not sure I should bring my eBay 'life' into my elpy 'life' but I have 5 watchers on the fondue fountain. I'm very excited about this. I've tried selling it more than once since we got it. Don't give someone a fondue fountain unless you know they like/want one. C'mon. A toaster anyone can use...unless you're on a low-carb thing I guess. But if it's an oven...anyway, a fondue fountain has only one purpose. Thanks, anyway. :) (Do I sound ungrateful? I'm not really...I loved the thought behind it.)
Post Picture: Ironically, taken last year...not now. Out of the car window. I miss that car.