That bracelet sold yesterday. It was very much a surprise. The buyer had just signed up that day. I like to think she signed up just to buy from me. :P Who knows how true that is. I'd sure like to know how she found me. That was the first time a buyer-only bought from me. It made me feel rather special. Then I saw that one seller on Etsy has over 3,000 sales. I felt small again. Anyway, I mail the bracelet tomorrow.
I'm supposed to be working on more earrings. Though I think one earring will actually be part of a necklace. It would look better as a necklace. I don't have all the components I need for it. I'd like to use some chain and I don't have any. Bead store isn't open until Tuesday.
New earrings shall be listed in LP by rJax in the next few days. Hopefully tomorrow...if I get my butt upstairs.
I'm also having the hardest time trying to decide who to spend the money I have from the bracelet sale. Supplies, ad space or a little present for myself. Hmmm...we, er, I shall see.