This was the view from one point at the top of Talcott Mountain. The lighthouse was closed for the winter. It didn't feel much like winter on Sunday. There were many disappointed hikers who felt gipped out of their just reward for risking their lives on the slippery rocky slopes.

It was a pretty day, warm for March. I went with a friend and it was nice to catch up though at times neither of us could talk without huffing and puffing.
We lingered in the park-ish bit of green around the lighthouse, guzzled water, took pics and ate pretzels before heading back down.
Then when I went to log my hike on dailymile it said that hiking burned no calories. Silly programmers. I just laughed.
Now to finish packing. It has not been previously mentioned here, but tomorrow I will be in Phoenix visiting staceyrebecca. So excited!