I gave myself another project. Seems that's what my life has become. In truth, I like it this way. Searching for things to stretch my skills, my brain...my patience. First it was the video for the Etsy contest, then my scarf (lace...on the second knitting project, nuts!). Now, it's NaNoWriMo.
I'm not a stranger to the literary world. I've started and stopped several short stories and book ideas. One of which I had shared with my mom's friend who recently died. I never finished it. Always thought I'd have time to do it later. While for the moment *I* still have time, she will never know about it.
So to get in the flow of writing again, I'd abandoned it for Etsy shop stuff, I started a NaNoWriMo...short of National Novel Writing Month. My plot is all over the place and my characters are shaky. But the point is to blast through writing 50,000 words in 30 days. I don't know how close I'll get to that. I've lost a day already. But I have around 4,000. That's amazing to me. I'm not stopping to edit unless I misspell something or the wording is really wrong. I've changed the POV mid-scene, used cheesy plot twists. It's not Pulitzer, but it's a challenge that I'm willing to take on. So I'm happy. And sad.