Random thoughts/happenings from the past few days:
I haven't posted in a while, took a little break. After first I felt guilty not writing, but I think it was for the best.
Have a bridal shower to go to. I'm thinking gift registries are both a good and bad idea. They're better the earlier you use them.
I found brown corduroy! *dances* I need to wash it and should probably go back and buy the bolt, but I want to sew how it sews first. So happy! More wristlets!
Discovered filigree beads. Okay, I've known about them, but was firmly convinced they 'weren't me'. I'm rethinking that stance.
Ordered oodles of new supplies. Oodles compared to what I usually purchase and I still have a few things left on the list.
Craft show in October! I'm hoping so anyway. And it's right in my hometown, a mere 5 minute walk from my house, no lie! Hence the supply binging. Yeah, hence.
Temp job restarts next week. Trying to get as many things done for the fair before then. It's a simple job, but particular and therefore tiring.
So that's about it for now. I'll try to get back into the swing of blogging later next week.
Post Picture: Commission boxed, packaged and tagged. I'm so happy I'm done...and happier that my work was liked.