As I was about to start this post the weather jumped pure wicked. I think it even hailed. There were rumbles of thunder and buckets of rain. It's still thundering but has calmed down I don't remember when that stop scaring me. It was just so sudden. I wish I'd had time to get a better pic. It was really something.
I also have a chance to do a craft show/farmer's market in 2 weeks. Mind you, I've never done a show and am a little beside myself. I do this, leap into things with little prep time. Like the address page and my 4-H outfit. I think I can do it.
I just cut some more wood. I like sawing wood way more than sawing metal, it's easier to cut and correct straight line cuts in wood. I use a flexible handsaw of my dad's. and a clamp. It works wonderfully.
Went e-searching for new packaging supplies. I want plastic tuck top boxes for one thing and kraft boxes (cotton-filled boxes wrapped in brown paper) for the rest of my stuff. Ideally, I'd like boxes in the 5 colors that have become part of my branding: brown, orange, teal, red and green. But I'd have to buy a case of each and I don't need 500 boxes. Still, that's looking like it'll cost about $100 to get everything I want. Whew!
Post Picture: My shot of the sudden fury.