By Its Cover is my completely independent 2-part book review column. Selections are made based entirely on the book's cover. I'm testing the old saying in my quest to find new authors.
Title: Scoop
Author: Rene Gutteridge
Made my center-of-town circuit, hitting the bank and library this time, and picked up a new book to review. Again, it's not one of those super-deep books, but I just saw Tess of the D'urbervilles and Wuthering Heights. (Wuthering Heights has been the cause of some recent guilt.) So light book it is. At least it's appearing that way so far.
Besides its cover, I chose it because one of the characters was homeschooled (as was I). She's also coulrophobic. haha. I'm busy with photo-ing new items and rephoto-ing old items as well as knitting and job hunting and writing again, and trying to spend less time on the computer while promoting my shop more and starting a new jigsaw puzzle and...reading will get squeezed in. :)
Full review to come.
Seems interesting enough. I was homeschooled too, and am currently a homeschooler-small world.No fear of clowns though...