I've been tagged by AngelicQuirk. I'm now to share 7 random things about myself and then tag 7 other people. Let's see:
1. I've only moved once. I was 7. It was right around Christmas, too.
2. I love to write. I feel I do it better than I talk in that it's more organized. I write short stories, poems- usually out of necessity, journal, blog and have a few book ideas. I'm not sharing those with anyone yet.
3. I skipped second grade. That was scary even though I was still technically in the same class. As a result...
4. I taught myself to write cursive. I would have learned in second grade but instead went straight to having to copy paragraphs in cursive. The teacher was patient with me, but I didn't tell my parents I didn't know how to write cursive because I thought they'd make me go back to second. I make my capital I's reverse of the way 'they' say you should.
5. I volunteered in a bilingual, Spanish/English first-grade classroom. It was kind of extra credit for my college class, that the professor knew nothing about. I loved it.
6. I could eat Smartfood popcorn every day. 'Nough said.
7. One of my ears is slightly higher that the other. All glasses sit a little crooked on my face. *snerk*
Now for those to be tagged:
Here in this diary, Pamela Michelle,Blackstar, Late Fragments, Jenna Lou, The (Occassionally) Daily Sprout, and My name is Laura.