By Its Cover- The Book Shelf

By Its Cover is independent book review column. Selections are mostly made based on the book's cover. I'm testing the old saying in my quest to find new favorite authors and books.
Coming Soon!
The Dirt
Lori Culwell
The Book Shelf:
By Nightfall
Michael Cunningham
Twins: A Novel
Marcy Dermansky
The Cheese Monkeys
Chip Kidd
Notes of a Baseball Dreamer
Robert Mayer
The Storm
Frederick Buechner
Hollywood Car Wash
Lori Culwell
Walking in Circles Before Lying Down
Merrill Markoe
The Real Minerva
Mary Sharrat
The Wasp Eater
William Lychack
ScoopPt. 1 Pt. 2
by Rene Gutteridge
Love and Other Near Death Experiences Pt. 1 Pt. 2
by Mil Millington
Stupid and Contagious Pt.1 Pt.2
by Caprice Crane
The Little Town Where Time Stood Still Pt.1 Pt2
by Bohumril Hrabal
I haven't updated this in awhile. Honestly I'm not sure if anyone reads this. But I'll use it anyway. Maybe I can get people to it.
As far as shop goes I reduced the price of the necklace pictured below by $12.

Click the picture for more info.
As far as shop goes I reduced the price of the necklace pictured below by $12.
Waking up to a sale has to be among the best feelings in the world. The wristlet below sold. I'm so happy! It was to another Etsy seller, she'd been eyeing for awhile. I also think she liked it because I kinda named the set after her. That sale brings me up to 9 since Feb, which is not good statistically, but at this point I don't care. I'm too happy! :P
About Me
Hey hey!
Rebecca here, the person behind the elpy brand.
I'm a budding, emerging, aspiring, indie designer from Connecticut. I create what I love and love what I create and hope that you do, too. This is my blog, where you can read about the inner working of my work and life beyond.
Places to buy my work:
I read this article on lighting and making a very inexpensive lightbox. So I did, took some pics, and made the layout below. It's the 30th listing in my shop. Getting to 30 items was a bit of a goal of mine. I was close before then listings started to expire.
This is the third Westie Wristlet I've made. Also available in beige and teal.

This is the third Westie Wristlet I've made. Also available in beige and teal.

I kinda forgot about this blog again. I just feel so un-noteworthy sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Or in the heat of a perfect blog moment, I'm nowhere near a blogging device.
As for LP by rJax...well I have a ton of new ideas. I also found a tutorial online about making a lightbox. I need a better light...but the pics are soooo much better than relying only on the sun, which is setting ever sooner now that Daylight Savings has started. Or is it ended? What are we saving it for?
Still no job. My mom's stressing out it more than me. I don't get as depressed as I used to. I wasn't depressed about the job at all. That's not something you can just kick though.
I'm making a Photoshop creation. Must go to class soon. Man, when that's over...
As for LP by rJax...well I have a ton of new ideas. I also found a tutorial online about making a lightbox. I need a better light...but the pics are soooo much better than relying only on the sun, which is setting ever sooner now that Daylight Savings has started. Or is it ended? What are we saving it for?
Still no job. My mom's stressing out it more than me. I don't get as depressed as I used to. I wasn't depressed about the job at all. That's not something you can just kick though.
I'm making a Photoshop creation. Must go to class soon. Man, when that's over...
The beginning of a new line methinks

I just made these...well all right it was a few days ago. They're chainmaille, macrame, asymmetrical, wire wrapped...keyword overload. I'm thinking of starting a new line all with geometric shapes 'cause they're just plain cool. These earrings really have the same length, the asymmetrical-ness pertains to the beads going in opposite directions in the square. I should probably take another picture so that that's clear.
Available in my Etsy shop.
I'm still floating. I sold a necklace, a macrame necklace, the beachy one from a few entries ago. The buyer had hearted the necklace for a long time. And she bought it a few days ago. I'm gonna be shipping it off today. I've spent some of the earnings all ready, but must save the rest as I still don't have a 'real' job. But it still rocks.
I haven't been doing much. I need a job...so the parents say. My mom's convinced that if I get a job then LP by rJax will sell. I didn't bother reminding her that I didn't sell any better when I had a job.
Anyway I've found a list of places, sites, where I can promote my shop. So I'll be going over that. And maybe I'll try job hunting. I can't help it that it gives me knots in my stomach and steals my sleep.
Anyway I've found a list of places, sites, where I can promote my shop. So I'll be going over that. And maybe I'll try job hunting. I can't help it that it gives me knots in my stomach and steals my sleep.
New at LP by rJax

I usually don't make bracelets but was inspired by my Craft: contest necklace (see entry below) so I made this one. It was a new stitch for me and I had to undo the entire thing before I was totally satisfied with it. I may make more like this...however it seems to be a fault of mine to do sommething new then never do it again. We shall see.

Well, I didn't win. I'm trying not to let it get me down.
I probably shouldn't even write this post. A radio host here, that I adore, says you should act on emotion...especially like anger. While I can't say I'm angry I am a little sad. Though less sad then I was when I first read who did win. Turns out I was only right about on of the entries. The others I don't even remember seeing honestly. I've been told I don't look closely.
One day I'll find people who like what I make, until then I'll just keep trying. (sigh)
I probably shouldn't even write this post. A radio host here, that I adore, says you should act on emotion...especially like anger. While I can't say I'm angry I am a little sad. Though less sad then I was when I first read who did win. Turns out I was only right about on of the entries. The others I don't even remember seeing honestly. I've been told I don't look closely.
One day I'll find people who like what I make, until then I'll just keep trying. (sigh)

Etsy's running a contest This necklace is my entry. It's macrame'd of course. I'm trying to stick to mainly that form of jewelry making. It's more unique for me and I've always like untangling things...though in macrame I'm tangling in a nice way.
Anyway I woodburned the pendant. It was my first-ish time woodburning. The numbers are binary code. (I'm the spawn of old-school computer programmers.) The "Craft:" part is the logo that we had to use as per contest rules. I really like it. Other pics and pricing are available here.

This is the design I ended up with. It's almost the same as the one the previous post. I had to change the font for the URL and email as well as the 'Accessories, Ornaments, Goodness' line. The original font matched the banner at my shop but when I printed it you couldn't read it.
I'm sending out 70 today to various other Etsyers who have offered to pass out cards in promos packs at shows they're doing. I hope some good comes of it. It was fun redoing the cards either way.
Okay so something good did happen today. While my shop didn't get any sales, I did get 3 new hearters (I just typed that URL...which you can't see, from memory...sad!) That is a record for me.
So that's kind of exciting. I need to stop being jealous of other people success and work on getting some of my own and enjoying the success I do get...even if it's not what I'd prefer.
So that's kind of exciting. I need to stop being jealous of other people success and work on getting some of my own and enjoying the success I do get...even if it's not what I'd prefer.
So today is my 6 month anniversary on Etsy. My first listing expired today. Though actually it's probably only one of my firsts because I did renew a few. I feel old. And a little depressed. I've had 5 sales all of them under $8. I've bought 4 things, yet somehow have 10 positive feedback. I have 53 hearters...people who like my shop. So I guess it's not all bad...just not what I'd have wanted at 6 months.
I also need to start really looking for an off-Etsy job because I'm getting broker.
Hopefully something good will happen today.
I also need to start really looking for an off-Etsy job because I'm getting broker.
Hopefully something good will happen today.

I'm on someone's blog! I did a bit of instigating. She posted in the Etsy forums that she would feature people on her art blog if you convo'd her. So I did. I told her she could pick any picture/listing she wanted but preferably not the potholders. Although I want them to go away...I don't really want them to be featured. So she chose that necklace herself. It's exciting. Even though it wasn't a total surprise to me.
Here's to movin' on up!
I had grand plans at the beginning of the weekend which hardly seems to be two days ago. I was going to create so much. I was going to plan and sketch (something I don't do well), organize and have things to list in my shop throughout the week. I, however, have nothing. I fought with the blog, trying to get the ringcode for the Etsyseller ring into the right spot so it would show up. I tried to upload some of my shop stuff to Froogle. That didn't work. I'm convince Froogle hates me. Oh well.
I really want to make this work because making things is something I enjoy. I'll keep trying. I know not what else to do.
I really want to make this work because making things is something I enjoy. I'll keep trying. I know not what else to do.
Ways to promote your site
[sites to advertise in from the forums]
1. www.postaroo.com/postaroo
2. www.craigslist.com
3. www.myspace.com/etsy
4. www.cracker.com.au
5. www.cmather.com
6. www.stumbleupon.com
7. www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
8. froogle.google.com/
9. www.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx
10. www.dmoz.org/add.html
11. www.ecom.yahoo.com/dir/submit/intro/
12. www.adwords.google.com/
13. seocompany.ca/directory/free-web-directories.html
14. www.blogger.com/start
15. www.flickr.com/ (please see www.etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=18481&page_id=1 first).
16. www.freecraftfair.com/link_exchange.html
17. www.freecraftfair.com/categories.html
18. kijiji.com
19. community.livejournal.com/etsy_lj/
20. UniversityChic.com/promotions
21. etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=7809
22. boingboing.net/suggest.html
23. australia.tribe.net/local?guess=true
24. bobbiisdesignsndeals.com/Art/gallery2/main.php
25. clickthru.com
26. www.43things.com/things/view/70128
27. linktiles.com/
28. craftersbuzz.com/
29. www.stylehive.com/
30. www.stylefeeder.com/
31. digg.com/
32. www.adsbay.com/
33. www.bust.com/
34. www.comcast.net/
35. www.comcast.net/comcast.html
36. www.oodle.com/
37. www.expo.live.com/
38. www.robotlaundry.com/index.php
39. www.linkreferral.com/adwel.pl
40. www.bloglines.com/
41. www.linkedin.com/
42. www.abwa.org/
43. www.ryze.com/
44. fogster.com/
45. craftersbuzz.com/
46. www.thisnext.com/
47. del.icio.us/
48. www.linktiles.com/
49. www.backpage.com/
50. www.bobbiisdesignsndeals.com/
51. www.popbitch.com
[other advertising ideas]
1. Join forums and put your Etsy store URL in your signature, if the forum rules allow it.
2. Find people to link to your Etsy store, and do the same for them in return.
3. Put your Etsy URL in your e-mail signature
4. Advertise in free bulletin boards
5. Do business card swaps with other Etsy sellers.
6. Vistaprint.com - free business cards and give them away like crazy.
7. Give free samples & business cards to friends & family - even if you're shy about promoting yourself, your mom will likely brag you up!
8. Craft shows, farmers markets, etc. are a great way to show your stuff & hand out cards & brochures.
9. Talk about Etsy at craft groups (such as Stitch 'n' Bitch gatherings) Even if these people join up as sellers, we all know that sellers also buy! (Sometimes we buy more than we sell!)
10. Make bookmarks with your Etsy URL on them and give them to libraries and schools.
11. Ask shops, libraries, and any business with windows to have your advert on their window.
12. Give presents that you've make and accidentally give your business card with it ;)
13. When someone needs your name, address or phone number give 'em your business card that has all your details as well as your Etsy store URL!
14. Always wear items that youâÂÂve made and have your business cards on hand to give to people who comment on your stuff.
15. Make up coupons for your store and leave them everywhere (people are more likely to visit your shop knowing that there's a discount, etc).
16. www.etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=26225
and some tips from one of our "powersellers" - whatever she's doing, it's definitely working!
10% off repeat business coupon with my packages that I send out. I have quite a few return to use their coupon.
Get inexpensive coupon/postcards from Vistaprint, and use the back to write a note to the buyer.
Send a free magnet to new customers.
Look at the buyers profile if they have one, or their favorites if they don't. If there is a particular theme (trees or dogs), I will try to send a magnet that reflects their interest.
Customers are looking for customer service and personal service. Always send an e-mail or convo to let the buyer know that you have received their order and payment and let them know when you will be shipping. Also send an e-mail letting them know it has been shipped. If a buyer leaves me nice feedback, I reward them with a brief convo of thanks.
If they don't leave feedback within a couple weeks, contact them to insure that they received the item. Don't e-mail or convo your customers to death, but keep them informed and let them know their purchase is appreciated! Most people would prefer to buy from someone who acts like they care that they had a sale.
Flickr! Remember to post your items to other groups out there in flickr land. Etsy has several groups, there are polymer clay groups, handmade groups etc. Search under groups and see what you find. This applies to LJ as well.
Join, join, join
Network, network, network
List daily if you can (at prime times) and stagger your listings.
Use all 14 tags per listing
Work to get featured on blogs. A lot of etsy sellers post threads in the forum asking for sellers to feature.
Adding a few of my own thoughts
The golden rule - do unto others.
Read others' blogs. Comment on their entries (include a link to your blog/shop).
Shop on Etsy. This includes "window-shopping", giving hearts to items and shops, and buying handmade whenever you can - the holidays are approaching. Support handmade!
Participating in forums IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER. Honestly, I stay away from the Etsy forums these days not because I don't want to participate, but because I'm appalled at the unprofessionalism that is shown by sellers in that public forum. But I do make an occasional appearance there, and I also participate in other forums.
Participate in Etsy Treasuries, not just by making them, but by looking at them, clicking on items within them (which brings their popularity higher up) and leaving comments.
Look at the shops of people who have hearted you. Heart them back if you like their work, too.
Be patient, with your selling AND creating. Quality over quantity.
Brand yourself. Give yourself an image. Coordinate your banner, business cards, avatar, packing materials, web page, receipt pages. Make sure it's seomthing that you want to stick with. I did mine in all black & white because I think it represents my work and personality well, and because it's a heck of a lot cheaper!
Get yourself out there!!!
I'm sure I'll think of/come across more! Looking forward to hearing from other successful sellers!
1. www.postaroo.com/postaroo
2. www.craigslist.com
3. www.myspace.com/etsy
4. www.cracker.com.au
5. www.cmather.com
6. www.stumbleupon.com
7. www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl
8. froogle.google.com/
9. www.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx
10. www.dmoz.org/add.html
11. www.ecom.yahoo.com/dir/submit/intro/
12. www.adwords.google.com/
13. seocompany.ca/directory/free-web-directories.html
14. www.blogger.com/start
15. www.flickr.com/ (please see www.etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=18481&page_id=1 first).
16. www.freecraftfair.com/link_exchange.html
17. www.freecraftfair.com/categories.html
18. kijiji.com
19. community.livejournal.com/etsy_lj/
20. UniversityChic.com/promotions
21. etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=7809
22. boingboing.net/suggest.html
23. australia.tribe.net/local?guess=true
24. bobbiisdesignsndeals.com/Art/gallery2/main.php
25. clickthru.com
26. www.43things.com/things/view/70128
27. linktiles.com/
28. craftersbuzz.com/
29. www.stylehive.com/
30. www.stylefeeder.com/
31. digg.com/
32. www.adsbay.com/
33. www.bust.com/
34. www.comcast.net/
35. www.comcast.net/comcast.html
36. www.oodle.com/
37. www.expo.live.com/
38. www.robotlaundry.com/index.php
39. www.linkreferral.com/adwel.pl
40. www.bloglines.com/
41. www.linkedin.com/
42. www.abwa.org/
43. www.ryze.com/
44. fogster.com/
45. craftersbuzz.com/
46. www.thisnext.com/
47. del.icio.us/
48. www.linktiles.com/
49. www.backpage.com/
50. www.bobbiisdesignsndeals.com/
51. www.popbitch.com
[other advertising ideas]
1. Join forums and put your Etsy store URL in your signature, if the forum rules allow it.
2. Find people to link to your Etsy store, and do the same for them in return.
3. Put your Etsy URL in your e-mail signature
4. Advertise in free bulletin boards
5. Do business card swaps with other Etsy sellers.
6. Vistaprint.com - free business cards and give them away like crazy.
7. Give free samples & business cards to friends & family - even if you're shy about promoting yourself, your mom will likely brag you up!
8. Craft shows, farmers markets, etc. are a great way to show your stuff & hand out cards & brochures.
9. Talk about Etsy at craft groups (such as Stitch 'n' Bitch gatherings) Even if these people join up as sellers, we all know that sellers also buy! (Sometimes we buy more than we sell!)
10. Make bookmarks with your Etsy URL on them and give them to libraries and schools.
11. Ask shops, libraries, and any business with windows to have your advert on their window.
12. Give presents that you've make and accidentally give your business card with it ;)
13. When someone needs your name, address or phone number give 'em your business card that has all your details as well as your Etsy store URL!
14. Always wear items that youâÂÂve made and have your business cards on hand to give to people who comment on your stuff.
15. Make up coupons for your store and leave them everywhere (people are more likely to visit your shop knowing that there's a discount, etc).
16. www.etsy.com/forums_topic.php?thread_id=26225
and some tips from one of our "powersellers" - whatever she's doing, it's definitely working!
10% off repeat business coupon with my packages that I send out. I have quite a few return to use their coupon.
Get inexpensive coupon/postcards from Vistaprint, and use the back to write a note to the buyer.
Send a free magnet to new customers.
Look at the buyers profile if they have one, or their favorites if they don't. If there is a particular theme (trees or dogs), I will try to send a magnet that reflects their interest.
Customers are looking for customer service and personal service. Always send an e-mail or convo to let the buyer know that you have received their order and payment and let them know when you will be shipping. Also send an e-mail letting them know it has been shipped. If a buyer leaves me nice feedback, I reward them with a brief convo of thanks.
If they don't leave feedback within a couple weeks, contact them to insure that they received the item. Don't e-mail or convo your customers to death, but keep them informed and let them know their purchase is appreciated! Most people would prefer to buy from someone who acts like they care that they had a sale.
Flickr! Remember to post your items to other groups out there in flickr land. Etsy has several groups, there are polymer clay groups, handmade groups etc. Search under groups and see what you find. This applies to LJ as well.
Join, join, join
Network, network, network
List daily if you can (at prime times) and stagger your listings.
Use all 14 tags per listing
Work to get featured on blogs. A lot of etsy sellers post threads in the forum asking for sellers to feature.
Adding a few of my own thoughts
The golden rule - do unto others.
Read others' blogs. Comment on their entries (include a link to your blog/shop).
Shop on Etsy. This includes "window-shopping", giving hearts to items and shops, and buying handmade whenever you can - the holidays are approaching. Support handmade!
Participating in forums IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER. Honestly, I stay away from the Etsy forums these days not because I don't want to participate, but because I'm appalled at the unprofessionalism that is shown by sellers in that public forum. But I do make an occasional appearance there, and I also participate in other forums.
Participate in Etsy Treasuries, not just by making them, but by looking at them, clicking on items within them (which brings their popularity higher up) and leaving comments.
Look at the shops of people who have hearted you. Heart them back if you like their work, too.
Be patient, with your selling AND creating. Quality over quantity.
Brand yourself. Give yourself an image. Coordinate your banner, business cards, avatar, packing materials, web page, receipt pages. Make sure it's seomthing that you want to stick with. I did mine in all black & white because I think it represents my work and personality well, and because it's a heck of a lot cheaper!
Get yourself out there!!!
I'm sure I'll think of/come across more! Looking forward to hearing from other successful sellers!
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