I'm an indie-preneur, a micro-business owner constantly looking for ways to promote my work. I started this column, Seller Tips, to help me keep track of my findings and to pass them on to you.

[what's it called] 52 Weeks of Blogging Your Passion
[where'd I find it] Twitter
['splain it please] Break through blogger's block and write about your passion more effectively
Yep, my lovelies, this is another spectacular Twitter find. At the end of last year I was searching for this I could do to...be better. Blogging had been become a stumbling block. I wanted to do it better. A few days into my search I saw this e-book. So, know that this is something I'm working through myself both on this blog and the one for the Minifolk.
With a cohesive set of weekly 'assignments' Tara Gentile, the author of Scoutie Girl shows you how to write about what you care about with the same passion that you feel for your work. Tara herself has a passion for blogging and for helping and advocating the indie craft movement. She's written for the Etsy Storque, Modish Biz Tips and Try Handmade in addition to maintaining her own blog, Scoutie Girl.
52 Weeks of Blogging Your Passion is available for just $15. You will also be able to join a support forum to check out the blogs of other readers and gain further tips to blog better. If you're a little apprehensive and wonder just what is in store with this book, you can preview the first month for free! It hooked me.