Today is the last day of June. I'm not ready for July. I don't mind the heat, but that humidity is horrible, how your clothes stick to you and it's harder to breathe. Ehh!
Trying to help Mom with some invitation she has to make. I'm making jewelry and she's making the invitations for the same event. Searching for clip art has proven slightly evil. Time-consuming and...*sigh* Least the room in which I sit is air-conditioned.
I bought wood. I'm hoping to make, finally, an item I'd thought about for a while. Two sort of. Expand my wooden line. You may guess what they are. I've posted pics on Flickr before.
My room has dissolved into a slightly unbelievable mess again. I think it can only handle so many projects at once and still be the place where I sleep, read, store most of the other things I own.
Still no job. I may have shot myself in the foot with one opprotunity. When the friends were up a few weeks ago, I neglected filling out an application until it may have been too late. Who knows.
Post Picture: Laundry. Tinkered with in PSE (Photoshop Elements)
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