I'm learning to go with the flow of design. This necklace changed several times during 'construction'. The rings were too big, the weave too loose, the chain too big. Instead of giving up, as is my wont in other areas, I persisted. Then, as often happens with me, this flashed in my mind. I found and bought the oval beads. They arrived lickety-split. Suddenly, I'd made a necklace.
This matches the Convex earrings. It's industrial, the jumprings in the double spiral weave are stainless steel, but sophisticated, too, methinks. And it's asymmetric which is a huge favorite of mine.
I got an answer to a long answered question yesterday. Again, by chance, in a sort of tumbled-together way. It's beautiful. And, perhaps foolishly, it gives me hope.
Post Picture: Me, with the help of Photoshop Elements, modeling the Convex necklace.
Very nice piece!