Had orientation for school yesterday. It was interesting.
- The campus tour was very helpful. Got myself back to B-wing of the LRC building by myself. :)
- The Monster.com spokeswoman was caffienated. Note to her, nix the techno music in your presentation. *ears bleeding*
- The student senate president's speech reminded me of Dwight's speech in one episode of The Office
- There is always a goofball, attention-getting guy isn't there? And he always sits next to me.
- One of the student resources guys sounded exactly like Kermit the Frog. Realization of this courtesy of aforementioned goofball. I was thinking an grown up Ernie
- There are also always the beautiful popular girls with the enviable pristine appearance.
- S is pregnant. T doesn't want it. S will probably keep it to stay connected to T, her parents will make him help. (gossip about strangers courtesy of the aforementioned popular girls next to me)
- The pizza wasn't good. Glad I had snacks.
- It was a beautiful day!
Post Picture: A cup full of smiles. The result of my week-long burning session. They will be samples.
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